Natural8 India Operating Rules ("House Rules")

Common House Rules

Natural8 India recognizes that providing a secure, fair and friendly playing environment is key to ensuring that our players have as enjoyable a gaming experience as possible, each time they access the Natural8 India platform.

Maintaining ethical gaming practices is at the very heart of our priorities, and in order to uphold these strict principles and the integrity of our games, Natural8 India has created these House Rules.

All players are expected and required to adhere to these House Rules and to standards, policies and practices incorporated therein, on the assumption that by doing so, the playing environment on Natural8 India improves for its entire player community:

Minors Prohibited Policy

The Natural8 India platform and all services made available via this platform should only be accessed by players who have reached adulthood (as determined by the laws of India).

Minors (persons under 18 years of age) are strictly prohibited from playing at Natural8 India and those minors found accessing Natural8 India will be permanently banned from joining Natural8 India’s gaming platform. Natural8 India shall ensure to implement the appropriate safeguards as required by the laws of the respective jurisdictions to prevent minors from joining Natural8 India’s gaming platform.

Responsible Gaming

Natural8 India strives to provide players with a responsible gaming environment, which includes prevention of compulsive usage of or underage access of our gaming products. Natural8 India understands its commitment to honour their duty of care to all of its customers and the gaming community at large. Natural8 India shall make sure to implement appropriate safeguards to protect vulnerable persons and use all reasonable means to ensure the prevention of gaming addiction and underage gaming.

For more information, please visit our Responsible Gaming page.

Anti-Money Laundering

Natural8 India shall ensure a high standard of regulatory compliance in relation to preventing its services from being associated with crime and disorder. Natural8 India shall implement appropriate measures to minimise the risk of its gaming platform being used to launder money, assisting in the financing of terrorism or being victim of a crime. Natural8 India shall ensure that management and staff are aware of their obligations at law and procedures that must be followed.